We are …
The Agrupamento de Escolas Terras do Ave (AETA) is a cluster of schools situated in the northern Portuguese city of Vila Nova de Famalicão. Approx. 1500 students are enrolled in preschool, primary, and secondary schools.
AETA is profoundly devoted to the well-being and success of all of its students, regardless of their origins or skills. It recognizes that many of its students come from low-income homes due to the Ave Valley region's economic crisis and may have special needs, and they endeavour to give them the assistance and resources they require to flourish. For several years, AETA has been distinguished with the Eco School award and was recognized by the Portuguese parents' association as a Child-Friendly School.
What makes us special …
AETA aims for the holistic development of learners by encouraging the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, and skills in various competence areas. They foster multiple literacy development which is a cornerstone for continuing to learn throughout life. With its internationalization plan AETA strives to promote educational initiatives that foster a balance between knowledge, understanding, technology, creativity, and critical thinking, helping to create independent, responsible individuals and engaged citizens.
Furthermore, AETA is seeking to promote more inclusive education, fomenting learner-centered pedagogical practices, promoting innovative approaches, and valuing the non-formal curriculum. And they show a strong commitment to the integration of technologies in pedagogical practices.
To increase student engagement and motivation, AETA has developed a number of novel learning and teaching methods and approaches, as well as incorporated cutting-edge technology.
Our mission …
AETA strives to improve the general well-being and learning success of all learners and help them attain their full potential. School shall be closer to the context of the students' daily lives. Basically, it is about turning the school space into a learning space in all its aspects, where one can work, in a practical way, on knowing-being, knowing-doing and knowing-how. This space should serve to create close relationships between students and educational agents.
To reach this goal, AETA wants to build on excellent teaching staff, guarantee innovative and modern pedagogical practices, thus raising the levels of professional motivation and satisfaction among students, teachers, and non-teachers.