We are …
PARAGON-eduTech is a civil non-profit company established in February 2022. Anastasia Pyrini, who brings in over 25 years of global expertise in education, founded PARAGON with the intention to pioneer research and innovation in the realm of inclusive learning empowered by educational technologies.
PARAGON has exclusively undertaken the organization of the "International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education". ICICTE has a history of 22 years and is organized every year in Greece. ICICTE has created a network of academics, researchers and educators from all over the world, with over 2,500 members.
What makes us special …
PARAGON seeks to address the many challenges and new directions presented by technological innovations in educational settings. PARAGON provides its members with a forum for intensive interdisciplinary interaction and collegial debate. PARAGON is therefore strongly committed to teacher training, in the classical form as well as in modern training methods, such as cooperative learning and exchange of experience in building communities of teachers/educators.
Particularly important to them are ethical considerations in the use of information technology in teaching and learning and the guarantee of ethics, human rights and access with regard to open educational resources.
They keep a critical eye on pedagogic issues in the evolving technical environment and speak out for the application of psychology to learning mediated by technology Further areas of activity of PARAGON include the evaluation and assessment of instructional design and delivery, the use of technology in education to promote democratic ideals, freedom, equality and the development of strategies and tools for teaching and learning, simulations and gaming.
Our mission …
The company’s mission is to foster understanding, trust, and empathy in order to create a learning environment that helps young people to develop their full potential.